Jaw Fixation Post Op


  1. You will be able to open your mouth after the operation. There will be small rubber bands (elastics) which will limit your opening. Your diet will need to be pureed foods initially. Make certain your fluid intake is adequate. You can supplement your diet with Ensure, Carnation Breakfast Essentials, and liquid vitamins.
  2. You will be given a prescription for antinausea. It may be a suppository which should be used at the first sign of nausea. This is usually effective within 15 minutes. In case of vomiting, you should keep a small pair of scissors to cut the elastics in your mouth. These scissors should be kept in an accessible place. If it becomes necessary to cut the elastic, you should notify the office immediately.
  3. You may be given small pills, capsules, or liquid pain medicine for discomfort. These can be crushed, or the contents added to orange juice, etc.
  4. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene during the healing period. This is best accomplished by using a soft toothbrush in short circular motions. A water irrigation device is also an invaluable aid (ex. Water PiK, etc).
  5. You should refrain from excess physical activity (ex. Sports or heavy work) during the healing stage. Normal activity is not contraindicated.
  6. There may be a feeling of jaw tightness on occasion. This is due to muscle spasms and is of short duration. Heat will help break up these spasms if they persist.
  7. Sutures, if placed through the skin, are removed usually 5 to 7 days after the operation. If an incision was necessary, keep this area dry and covered with dressing until the sutures are removed.
  8. Call the office if you feel you have a problem, or any questions that need to be answered,

(513) 521-0110 Finneytown, (513) 755-3500 Liberty Township, (513) 771-4080 Springdale


Post Operative Pain Management

To decrease the number of narcotics our patients are being exposed to, we advise our patients to alternate Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. Ibuprofen, Advil, and Motrin are all the same medication as are Acetaminophen and Tylenol.

We have our adult patients take 800 mg of Ibuprofen every 6 hours and 1000 mg of Acetaminophen in between doses of Ibuprofen. Patients are not to exceed 3200 mg in a 24-hour period of Ibuprofen or 3000 mg in a 24-hour period of Acetaminophen. Patients under the age of 12 should be given age and weight appropriate doses of Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen.

If you are unable to control pain with this regimen, we suggest adding the narcotic pain medication if one was prescribed. If you decide to take the narcotic, please stop taking the over-the counter Acetaminophen dosing. Most narcotics already have Acetaminophen in them. However, you should continue the Ibuprofen as this will help with the pain management and inflammation.

While taking the narcotic pain medication, patients cannot drive, operate heavy machinery, or sign legal documents. Please be sure to eat before taking any medication.

If you are on a blood thinner (excluding aspirin) DO NOT take Ibuprofen.

Avoid alcoholic beverages.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.



Antibiotic: ____________________________________

Pain Medication: _______________________________

Steroid: ______________________________________